Work At Home Vintage Experts
WAHVE is an innovative contract staffing talent solution.
Does this sound familiar?
“We can’t find qualified employees.”
“We hire people, train them, and then they leave.”
“We need people we don’t need to train because we don’t have the time.”
“We need some part-time staff but can’t find people who will work part-time.”
WAHVE has TWO Solutions

Talent is leaving the insurance industry at an alarming rate. So, it’s harder to find the insurance professionals that fit your staffing needs. WAHVE has a solution that takes the time and stress out of landing your next great hire.
WAHVE matches pretiring, experienced, trained and knowledgeable insurance professionals with retail agents, E&S wholesale broker and MGA clients based on specific job needs. WAHVE delivers “pretiring” talent to fill most any insurance position and at a cost-savings.
WAHVE has qualified thousands of insurance industry “pretirees” who are eager to extend their careers working from home. Wahves are there for you for the long-term and on a dedicated basis.
We know that staffing continues to be a challenge. The insurance labor market remains tight, and it's not projected to improve.
WAHVE has created the new Talent Acquisition Outsourcing (TAO) service to assist members in sourcing and qualifying direct hires for open positions.
There is no up-front fee for TAO. Members are charged only when a candidate is placed. While typical placement fees are 20-30% of the first year's salary, WAHVE's standard fee is 15%. BUT Association members pay a special rate of only 12.5%.
Hire a WAHVE Today
The benefits
Fill a staffing need when you can’t find the talent, whether part-time or full-time
Save on hiring, training, managing, overhead and turnover costs
Free up highly-paid staff for more time with clients and prospects
Improve productivity and lower staff costs
WAHVE takes the stress out of finding talent because WAHVE does the work for you.
WAHVE offers a complete and effective solution to talent qualifying, matching, tech support, HR administration and management.
Innovative Hiring Strategies for a Hybrid Work Environment
Webinar Recording
Transitioning to a fully remote workforce was done by necessity, but as we return to work, organizations must adapt in areas far beyond simply where people work. Savvy agencies are re-emerging from Covid to plan and navigate what the future looks like in 2022 and beyond. One thing is certain: change is inevitable and being flexible will be key to a successful transition.
Rick Morgan of WAHVE covers best practices for successfully attracting, qualifying, hiring and onboarding new employees in a hybrid work environment.