Big I Illinois has provided a summary of the Illinois property and casualty insurance marketplace. Included are graphics and a numeric presentation of the Illinois P&C industry data from an Independent Agent's perspective. The 2023 data used is the most recent available from A.M. Best Company and includes all 50 states and the District of Columbia.
This summary emphasizes direct premiums, direct losses, and the associated direct underwriting results before reinsurance. Also included is data from nearly 3,000 insurers domiciled in the US, and if they have written premiums in Illinois, then their data is incorporated.
Members also have access to download the full United States Market Share Report. You will see both reports below when logged in as a member.
Big I Board Adopts Hard Market Policy Statement
The Big I Board of Directors has adopted a policy statement on agent compensation and appointments in the current hard insurance market. The statement is intended for all insurance industry stakeholders and emphasizes the critical and unique role that independent agents and brokers play in the insurance marketplace.
Big I Illinois Associate Members
Big I Illinois Associate Membership provides carriers and allied businesses the opportunity to demonstrate their support of the independent agency system. These organizations realize the benefits of membership and are maximizing their marketing exposure through association sponsorship.