Recruit, Train, Retain
No matter where you are in the hiring cycle, Big I Illinois has a solution to fit your needs.
Not finding what you are looking for? Reach out to Jennifer Jacobs, Big I Illinois Director of Human Resources, for assistance.
Scholarship Funds
Big I Illinois is proud to offer our members and their staff the opportunity to earn scholarships to education programs to qualifying applicants through the Eugene Sberna Educational Scholarship as well as scholarships for pre-licensing and early insurance education.
HR Resources
Big I National has partnered with Affinity HR because every organization, regardless of size or number of employees, should have basic human resource policies and procedures in place to both ensure legal compliance and serve as a resource for employees and their supervisors. Access a full array of HR support tools that are customized to meet the unique needs of your agency at a discounted rate by calling (877) 660-6400 and identifying yourself as a Big I Illinois member.