Cyber Coverage

What Would You Do If Your Agency Had A Data Breach?

80% of businesses fail to recover from a breach because they do not know this answer. Responding to a breach is a complicated process that requires assistance from many different professionals. Failure to notify the affected individuals without unreasonable delay could cost your agency up to $1,500,000 in fines from government agencies. Add this to the $200,000 average cost to comply with notification laws, the legal liability and the reputational harm caused by the breach and you can quickly see how this exposure can be devastating to your agency.

Coverage with


Big I Illinois/AIS has partnered with Arlington/Roe & Co., Inc. to offer our members an exclusive program to help protect their agencies from information security breaches. This program is a holistic risk management process that will help train your staff on privacy compliance in addition to handling data breach notification and 3rd party suits.

This program offers the following benefits:

  • No Encryption Requirement

  • HIPAA Compliance Tools

  • Step-by-Step Procedures for Compliance

  • Newsletters

  • Data Breach Coach to Help with Notification

  • Forensic Investigators

  • Privacy Counsel

  • Call Center

  • Credit Restoration Services

  • Online Compliance Materials

  • Staff Training Programs

  • Expert Support Online

  • Regulatory Fines & Penalties

  • Public Relations Firm

  • Notification Costs Outside Limit of Liability

  • Credit Monitoring

  • Security & Privacy Liability

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Contact Carol Wilson for questions or additional information.
(217) 321-3011

Carol Wilson, E&O Administrator